The Mahuzes

Picture from here.



So this is actually essay for my Sosiologi Perdesaan- task. But somehow I want to publish it here. It tells about story from documentary moviep “The Mahuzes” by Watchdoc. Mahuze is one of clan from Malind ethnic group in Papua which is affected by impact of MIFEE’s (Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate) implementation.

PS : I am just an amateur and The Mahuzes is worth enough to watch. ‘Cause it reminds us something that Indonesian almost forget : Although we are one, we aren’s the same. (Btw asli ini bukan kampanye ya -___-) Lets check this out 😉


Hikmah Kuliah : Jalan Kaki


Hanya post simple sih. Jadi gini, selama di tingkat satu di kampus aku nggak dibolehin bawa motor. Kenapa? Karena aku tinggal di asrama. Nah emang apa hubungannya motor sama asrama? Kayaknya pernah nih SR (Senior Resident) bilang, “Bayangin aja kalo,sekitar 2000-an anak asrama bawa motor. Emang mau ditaruh mana? Lagian siapa yang mau jagain?” Hmm, bener juga.

Akibatnya konsekuensi yang ada adalah kemana-mana mesti jalan kaki. Ada ojek sih, tapi sayang aja gitu masa tiap hari naik ojek. Padahal ya kalau makan keluar kampus dari asrama tu harus jalan 1 km lebih lah. Tapi tetep dilakuin. Mau nggak mau…

Nah, inti ceritanya itu pas liburan semester. Aku pulang kan. Sebelum kuliah, sehari-hari itu buat makan, keluargaku lebih sering beli di warung, terus di makan di rumah. My mother cooks rarely (paling banyak sehari sekali, itu pun masak tumisan), but (lebih…)

Just Another Dream or?

“Sincerity and truth are the basis of every virtue.”

– Confucius

I was dreaming tonight, I’ll go visit my brother who (will) continue his study to Germany. In that dream, I study at England. Not yet. But I will. Doesn’t matter, indeed I am a dreamer.

But then I thought, so sad my parent couldn’t see my face and my brother’s at home. So I continue dreaming. I must looking for a person who can do videocall so he/she can help my parent to see me and my brother doing holiday in Germany. At least, my parent should have a handphone which support videocall.

This noun (on reality) I got message from my father. He said, “Mom got present, an apple phone, from his friend.” and I just, “Wow.”

I don’t know whether it’s real or just a dream. But I know that God hears. And He knows what sincere wish is 🙂

PS : Don’t forget to pray before you sleep. Have a nice dream. And if you get a nice dream when you asleep or awake… You are lucky, aren’t you?